One-on-One Consultations
The Faculty Hub provides University of Richmond faculty with personalized support for teaching and scholarship through confidential, individual or small group consultations.
In these individualized consultations, we can help you: reflect on your pedagogical practices; match your goals for teaching and scholarship with appropriate methods, tools, and technologies; experiment with new ways to make your teaching more effective for all learners; and provide expert guidance and support for you as you incorporate new digital technologies into your pedagogy and scholarship.
We will work with you to practice new ideas, address challenges, create projects, and design learning experiences that can improve your efficiency and effectiveness as an instructor and scholar.
While we are open to discussing any topic related to teaching or scholarship, here is a list of some of the most common topics addressed within faculty consultations:
- Course design/redesign: We will work with you at any stage of the course design (or redesign process) to help you think deeply about the alignment between your learning objectives, assignments, course content, and learning activities.
- Course accessibility: We will help you develop course activities and learning materials that are accessible and responsive to individual student needs. We will also offer support and guidance to faculty as they modify course components or teaching practices in response to accessibility requests. Faculty looking for support related to student accessibility needs can also visit Disability Services' Faculty-Specific FAQ.
- Technology: Based on your course objectives and teaching style, we will provide advice on implementing technologies that enable your students to achieve their learning goals. We can also provide guidance on the use of technology for research and scholarship purposes.
- Facilitating discussion and developing learning activities: We will work with you to develop strategies for structuring class discussions and using tools and technologies to design active and collaborative learning activities for your students.
- Digital media project design: We will work with your existing course objective to identify the best strategies and tools for incorporating digital media projects into your teaching. We can also consult about digital media projects for research and scholarship, including creating videos to accompany grant applications or funder reports.
- Gathering and analyzing student feedback: We will help you develop strategies for gathering feedback from students about your teaching or about their learning. We are also available to help you analyze and respond to student feedback and/or end-of-semester course evaluations.
- Grading: We will offer guidance and support as you design new assignments, consider alternative assessment options (ungrading, specifications grading, contract grading, etc.), create more transparent assignment descriptions and grading criteria, or brainstorm assessment strategies for new or modified learning contexts.
If you’re interested specifically in having an experienced reader support your scholarship, please consult our Writing Consultants page to learn more.
The Faculty Hub also offers one-on-one coaching services. To learn more, visiting our coaching page.