Headshot of Dr. Kylie  Korsnack

Dr. Kylie Korsnack

Assistant Director, Teaching and Scholarship Hub
  • Profile

    Dr. Kylie Korsnack is the Assistant Director, Teaching and Scholarship Hub. She develops programming and consults with faculty on topics related to teaching and learning.

    Her specialties include early career faculty development, inclusive pedagogy, accessibility, course design, and assessment. She also consults with faculty on topics such as discussion facilitation, assignment design, active and collaborative learning, and mid-/end-of-semester course evaluations. Her research background is in literary studies and the scholarship of teaching and learning. She has taught undergraduate courses in world literature, science fiction, the composite novel, first-year writing, and basic writing.

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    • Presentations

      Korsnack, K. and Oxner, A. (2021, July) Social Annotation as a Signature Pedagogy of the Humanities[Research Seminar]. Humanities Pedagogy Collective Conference, Stanford Center for Teaching & Learning, Virtual Conference.

      Hurtado, C.M. Brinkerhoff, J., Cadavid, E., Gordon, L., Korsnack, K., Ng, B., Sahm, B, & Teymuroglu, Z. (2021, Summer) Fostering a sense of belonging in the classroom. [Working Group] Associated Colleges of the South.

      Brazell, R., Korsnack, K., McArthur, K., & Sievers, J. (2020, July). Ready When You Are: Flexible Delivery and Excellent Pedagogy in Blended Delivery, Active Learning Classes. [Virtual Workshop] Associated Colleges of the South.

      Korsnack, K, Hall, L., Peach, A., Mullins, S., Warren, W., & Yewitt, J. (2020, May). “You might consider…”: Building Community and Connection Through Student-Faculty-Staff Partnerships. [Roundtable] Pedagogicon, Eastern Kentucky University, Virtual Conference.

      Fedesco, H., Korsnack, K., & Oxner, A. (2019, November). Utilizing graduate students as instructors in the Certificate in College Teaching program. In Graduate and Postdoc Development Showcase. [Showcase Presentation] POD Network Conference 2019, Pittsburgh, PA.

      Korsnack, K. (2019, June). Reconsidering Octavia E. Butler’s ‘Antebellum South Time Story.’ [Paper Presentation]. Science Fiction Research Association. Chaminade University.

      Korsnack, K. (2019, April). Writing Between Worlds in Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie’s Americanah. In Trans-Area Literature Collective Symposium [Invited Paper Presentation] Vanderbilt University.

      Korsnack K. (2019 March) Fragmentary Futures: Traveling through Time with William Gibson [Paper Presentation] International Association for the Fantastic in the Arts, Orlando, FL.

      Frost, A., Grimm, C., Hibbard, L., & Korsnack, K. (2018, May) Phronetic G-TAHs in a Frenetic World: A Cross-Institutional Discussion on Preparing Graduate Students for Future Teaching Responsibilities [Roundtable Discussion]. Computers and Writing Conference, George Mason University.

      Huehls, M., Korsnack, K., Murray, M.R., Nilges, M, & Youn, S. (2018, October) Time, Genre, and the Contemporary Novel [Roundtable Discussion]. Association for the Study of the Arts of the Present, Tulane University.

  • Publications
    Journal Articles

    Korsnack, K. & Ortquist-Ahrens, L. (2021) “Holding Tight to Our Convictions and Lightly to Our Ways: Inviting Shared Expertise as a Strategy for Expanding Inclusion, Reach, and Impact.” To Improve the Academy: A Journal of Educational Development, 39.3. https://doi.org/10.3998/tia.17063888.0039.309

    Book Chapters

    Korsnack, K. (2021).“No Future but the Alternative: Or, Temporal Leveling in the Work of William Gibson.” In M.R. Murray & M. Nilges (Eds.), William Gibson and the Futures of Contemporary Culture. University of Iowa Press. https://doi.org/10.2307/j.ctv1d82hds

    Korsnack, K. (2018). “GTAs and the writing studio: An experimental space for increased learning and pedagogical growth.” In M. Sutton & S. Chandler (Eds.),The Writing Studio Sampler: Stories About Change (pp. 132-147). Parlor Press. https://doi.org/10.37514/PER-B.2018.0179.2.01

    Smith, E.D. & Korsnack, K. (2017). States of nostalgia in the genre of the future: Panem, globalization, and utopia in The Hunger Games trilogy. In L. Fletcher (Ed,), Popular fiction and spatiality: Reading genre settings (pp. 195-211). Palgrave Macmillian. https://doi.org/10.1057/978-1-137-56902-8

    Audio Recordings

    Baecher, L. (Host) (2021, June 11). “Holding Tight to our Convictions and Lightly to our Ways.” (No. 1) [audio podcast episode]. In Centering Centers. Hunter College ACERT. https://anchor.fm/laura-baecher45/episodes/Holding-Tight-to-our-Convictions-and-Lightly-to-our-Ways-e12jnvj/a-a1pvrs

    Bruff, D. (Host). (2019, February 4). “Episode 053: Kylie Korsnack. (No. 053) [audio podcast episode]. In Leading Lines: A Podcast on Educational Technology. Vanderbilt Center for Teaching. http://leadinglinespod.com/uncategorized/episode-053kylie-korsnack

    Johnson, S. (Host). (2019, February 1). “Online language learning and the community of inquiry framework with Kylie Korsnack (No. 90) [Audio podcast episode]. In We Teach Languages. https://weteachlang.com/2019/02/01/ep-90-with-kylie-korsnack